Friday, May 4, 2012

Keeping It Real

Romans 7:14-25

Why is it that when we talk about "being real" we often are talking about doing wrong. Why does real have to be wrong? I understand, as did Paul that we are sinners, and to be REAL, we have some wrong. But I believe Paul was keeping it real here in Romans 7.

What is Keeping It Real?

1. Keeping it Real is Admitting You're Not Perfect

Romans 3:10
As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:
There are a lot of Pharisee and stuck up teens, who need to realize and remember that they are sinners too!

It doesn't matter if you were born in a Christian home, raised in Church, or saved from a life of sin; you are STILL a sinner. You STILL deserve Hell.

Even though I am a Preacher, I deserve Hell. I am a sinner. My works are not worthy. I am wicked and sinful. The only good in me, is the Holy Spirit God placed inside me.

Keeping it Real is Admitting that we are not perfect. This just exalts the fact that we need and must have Jesus Christ.

2. Keeping it Real is Aiming High

Phil 3:14
I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

There are many teenagers who need to decide to live their lives for Christ and not for self.

In Romans 7 Paul was saying I am not perfect, but I am trying do right! Paul was pressing toward being like Christ.

Keeping it real is admitting we are not perfect, but trying to live Christ.

Failing at our walk with God may occur, but striving for a walk with God is Real.

Failing to be a witness may happen, but working to be a witness is Real.

Keeping it Real is Aiming High and pressing toward being like Jesus Christ.

3. Keeping it Real is A Decision to Never Quit

Proverbs 24:16
For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again: but the wicked shall fall into mischief.

Paul wanted to do right, but he messed up. 
Paul didn't want to mess up,but he did.

He lived in a constant spiritual battle, just like we do.

We do right one day.... mess up one day... do right one day... mess up one day...

How does a person keep from feeling like a fake when one day they are trying to be spiritual and the next day the Devil has overtaken them with sin...

Keeping it Real is not Quitting.

Keeping it Real is not being perfect, its not being sinful, its not having everything together, or letting everything fall apart...

Keeping it Real is just not quitting!

Do Right and strive to Do Right, when you mess up, fess up, and make a decision that you are never going to quit on God!



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