Friday, May 11, 2012


2 Tim 4:7

It is graduation season again. Tonight we graduate 31 servants from Commonwealth Baptist College. Next week will have our Christian Academy graduation. These young men and ladies have finished.

Just like Paul, they have made it through ups and downs and all arounds. But no matter what life threw at them one thing was sure... They were not going to quit.

1. To Finish, You Must Start.

Do something for God. Start again anew and afresh. Start for the first time. If you want to Finish, you have to start. (Phil 1:6)

2. To Finish, You Must Focus

Keep God's will in your sights and push toward it with everything in you. (Phil 3:13)

3. To Finish, You Must Not Quit

In a world full of quitters, complainers, and compromisers; I believe God is looking for some young men and women who will not just start for God but will finish.

Jesus was a finisher. Paul was a finisher. We are admonished to be finishers.

Decide to Finish.


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