Friday, April 19, 2013

Brand New J's


Brand New J's

II Cor 5:17
Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

I remember the first pair of Jordan’s I ever bought. They were awesome. They were special because my parents had not paid for them. I worked and I bought them myself. $160.00 !!! Too much for shoes… sure, but not for Jordan’s. When I got them home I put in matching shoelaces and sprayed the shoes with a stain resistant. Every time I wore those shoes, I washed them. If it was nasty outside or I was playing I was sure not to wear my new "J’s". It was awesome to have a pair of brand new Jordan’s.

When Jesus saved us He made us new creatures. He gave us a new song, a new walk, a new purpose, a new life, a new heart, a new mind, a new spirit, and a new future. He made us new and clean. Just as those new Jordan shoes, we are precious and very important to God. 
However, we walk in a very dirty world. Every day we are faced with temptation and sin. As hard as it is to keep shoes clean and new, it is much harder to stay clean and pure in the wicked world in which we live. The new song, new mind, new spirit, new heart and new life that God has given us is often blemished by the world, the flesh, and the Devil. The Christian life is often spent trying to keep those new things, clean and new. Just like those Jordan shoes.

How do I keep my Christian life "like new"?  I believe it is the same way that we do those brand new shoes.....


Psalm 119:154
Plead my cause, and deliver me: quicken me according to thy word.

The first thing I did when I got my Jordan’s home was to cover them with some stain repellent. This was an invisible substance that bonded to the shoe to protect it from harmful things that it might come in contact with.

We have a Spiritual stain repellent. He is called the Holy Spirit. The first thing you should do is cover your mind, spirit, heart, and life with the Holy Spirit. Submit to Him and allow the Holy Spirit to guide and protect you from the stains of the world.  
Another thing I did to protect my brand new Jordan's was to check where I stepped. The last thing I wanted to do was to step in mud, gum or........ well anything else! LOL. I was careful where I stepped when wearin my new shoes.
As Christians, how much cleaner could we be if we would just check where we stepped. What we do, what we say, what we listen to, who we hang around with and where we go are all vital parts to keeping our lives clean. Just as we avoid mud when in our new shoes, we should watch what we allow in our new lives. The Bible repeatedly tells us to "watch", "be vigilant" and "be sober". We must be careful what we allow into our lives. It has been said, you can control what influences your life, you just cannot control how things influence your life. Be careful!


Psalm 51:2, 10
Wash me throughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin.  
Create in me a clean heart
Every time I wore those Jordan’s, I would take them off, look them over, and then wash them real good. I mean every single time I wore them, I sat down and took a wash cloth, cleaner, and scrubbed everything. They looked new again after every wear. The reason anything gets to looking old is because we stop taking care of it and keeping it clean.  
As Christians, you and I must be sure to take time to inspect our lives. I know we are all busy. But sit down for a minute. How is your spirit? How is your mind? How is your heart? How is your life? When was the last time you cleaned them up? When was the last time you spent some time at an altar or anywhere with God, cleaning your life up? 
This is why church is so important. We come in on Sunday or Wednesday and we have been running through this old world. We need some time to apply preaching, soak in some singing and then scrub our lives at the altar in prayer.
Eph 4:24
And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.
I remember that first day I bought those Jordan shoes. I remember how excited I was, how proud I was that I had the new Jordan’s. I was so happy and I loved those shoes.
I am not sure of the exact time frame, but I believe it was about 2 years that I was able to keep those shoes looking new and clean. Even though I was able to keep them looking good, there were times I would see a new pair of shoes or a new color of the ones I had. It was hard at times to keep myself satisfied with what I had. Today there is a new pair of Jordan's every week... What keeps me from buying the new ones?  I keep the ones I have clean and looking new.
Teenager, the same is so true with those things God has given us. Our new song, our new mind, our new spirit, our new heart, our new life, and our new future are awesome things. So are the blessings of our parents, our Church, our Salvation, our Youth Department, our Bible, our Christian School, and all that God has given us in our lives. ]
But if we are not careful, we will begin noticing all that is in the world and all that the Devil offers and we will begin to not appreciate what God has done for us. In fact, we can get so unthankful and so ungrateful that we can actually misuse and waste what God has given us. Don’t lose the affection for the things God has blessed you with. If you begin to see your Christian life as dull and boring... SHINE IT UP!!! Spend some time with the one who saved you and gave you a new life, He will clean things up for you.
Why would anyone baby a pair of shoes like that? Maybe because they cost $160.00! That’s why!
In order for God to save us and give us our new life, new mind, new spirit, new heart, and new future; the price was much higher. It cost Jesus his life. Why would I want to spend more time and effort on my shoes and clothes than I do on the things it cost Jesus His life to give me. Let’s take care of our minds, hearts, spirits, and lives. They are new and clean. Let’s work to keep them that way.
How is your view of the Christian life?  Is it old hat to you? Boring, dull, senseless, tired?  Does the Devil have you thinking that you need to try something sinful or worldly?
Why don't you just decide you are going to protect, inspect and affect your Christian life? You do it with your shoes.... isn't your spiritual life more important than your shoes? Let's clean it up and keep it clean.








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