Friday, April 6, 2012

Fuel Your Faith: Arise!

Luke 24:6 He is not here, but is risen:

This weekend we celebrate Easter and the glorious fact that we as Christians serve a risen Saviour. Holy week was a roller coaster of emotion for our Lord.

  • He shares a meal with the Disciples, his prized friends and followers. He loves them and gives them encouragement for the battle ahead.

  • He announces and acknowledges  one of his dear friends will soon betray his trust and deliver him to his death.

  • Jesus pulls the "inner circle" and his closest Disciples apart and asks them to help Him pray for God's Will and strength.

  • He returns to find the Disciples asleep and apathetic toward the great day that was ahead.

  • Jesus looks to see Judas, a friend, leading the enemy to take Him. Jesus offers His hand of friendship once more, yet Judas refuses.

  • Jesus is taken. Arrested. Falsely Accused. Beaten. Stripped. Punched. Mocked. Spit Upon. Crowned with Thorns.

  • The Disciples flee...

  • He is placed upon a Cross. Nails are put in His hands and feet. The Cross is lifted up and the Son of God hangs crucified between God and man.

  • God the Father turns his back... Jesus is all alone. He dies and is placed in the tomb.

Yet, three days later, something happens... He is Risen!

I'm not sure where you are in your life today. I don't know what is going right and what seems to be going wrong.

  • Maybe your family or friends have let you down...

  • You may have fallen asleep on spritual things in your life...

  • Are there some missed opportunities?

  • Does it seem like you are all alone?


As a Christian, you possess the same resurrection power.... The Holy Spirit!


1 comment:

  1. My Life Is In Your Hands

    You don't have to worry
    And don't you be afraid
    Joy comes in the morning
    Troubles they don't last always
    For there's a friend named Jesus
    Who will wipe your tears away
    And if your heart is broken
    Just lift your hands and say

    I know that I can make it
    I know that I can stand
    No matter what may come my way
    My life is in your hands

    With Jesus I can take it
    With Him I know I can stand
    No matter what may come my way
    My life is in your hands

    So when your tests and trials
    [From: ]
    They seem to get you down
    And all your friends and loved ones
    Are nowhere to be found
    Remember there's a friend named Jesus
    Who will wipe your tears away
    And if you heart is broken
    Just lift your hands and say

    I know that I can make it
    I know that I can stand
    No matter what may come my way
    My life is in your hands

    With Jesus I can take it
    With Him I know I can stand
    No matter what may come my way
    My life is in your hands
