Friday, December 14, 2012

The Top 10 Gifts For Your Pastor This Christmas

Matthew 2:11
And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense, and myrrh.

Here we have the story of the wise men coming to see the newborn King. They brought gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. Gifts were given on this first Christmas. This has a great deal to do with why we give gifts today. As a child, did you ever sit down and rate your Christmas gifts? You know, the ones from mom and dad were always in the top 5, then grandma's, then aunts and uncles and last was the thing you got stuck from the school's name exchange. Do you think Jesus did that?Which do you think was Jesus' favorite gift? Was it the gold? The frankincense or the myrrh? I believe Jesus' favorite gift on that first Christmas was not a tangible gift at all. I think the worship of those traveling magi was the greatest gift the Saviour received that year.

When it comes to your Pastor, you always want the best for him. You try to think of what to buy him that he will use, like and keep for a long time. This years top gifts for Pastor's include electronics, food, clothes and vacations. These things are great and I am sure your Preacher will love any gift you give him. However, I think there are 10 gifts that are at the top of his list this year...

1. Your Love

With a Pastor that loves the way your Preacher loves, he will often carry a heavy burden and a broken heart. He may never ask, but he needs your love. He wants to know you love him as much as you want to know that he loves you. He is not a mind reader... If you want him to know that you love him, you will have to tell him. Call him, text him, tweet him, Facebook him, email him, write him: find one of these ways that works for you and tell him you love him.

2. Your Prayers

Think of how many times he calls your name out to God. When you or someone you love are sick or hurting, who do you call on to pray? When you have a need and you have to see God move, who do you petition to pray? Just as much as you need his prayers, he needs yours. He is dependent upon your prayers. Think of this: What if your Pastor had the same prayer life as you? Would you feel secure? I have heard it said that a man of God is only as strong as the prayers of the people of God.
Pray for your Preacher.

3. Your Faithfulness

You may purchase a nice expensive gift for your Preacher this Christmas and that is wonderful. I remember a couple in the church I pastored who bought me at least 1 suit every year. Just when I needed something, they were always there. Do you want to know my favorite gift they gave me? I knew they were going to be in their place on Sunday and Wednesday. They were faithful. He was on the bus route, she was in Sunday School and they were in church faithfully. Your faithful attendance to church services, activities and programs is a gift every Pastor desires.


4. Your Smile

When your Pastor is preaching this Sunday, why not give him a huge smile as he is preaching the Word. So many times, he must see sleepy eyes, yawning mouths and dissatisfied sighs. Why not give him a smile. Show him how much that sermon that he has spent hours preparing and praying over means to you. Let him know you are happy that he is your Preacher.


5. Your Kind Words

Sometimes the only words a Pastor hears on Sunday are negative. Criticism, gossip, complaining and doomsday talk are often the "after-sermon" sermon. Let your Pastor know when he has done something right. Trust me, there are enough people who will inform him of his mistakes. Speak kindly to him, about him, to others and about others. I don't know of any Pastor who wouldn't want to see his church loving each other more as a gift to him this Christmas.


6. Your Growth In Christ

Maybe you cant afford a new suit or an Ipad for your Pastor. You can get him this gift that is sure to top his list. Any Pastor is overjoyed when he sees a church member begin to walk with God, go soul winning, work a bus route, teach a class, help someone in need or overcome an addiction. Your growth in Christ is a testament to your Pastor. When you succeed, he succeeds.

7. Your Grace and Understanding

As great as your Pastor is, he is going to make some mistakes. How about giving him some grace this Christmas. Maybe he missed a meeting, a visit, a call or a conversation. He would never miss an opportunity to help you. He loves you and wants to be a  blessing. However, he is human. He is not perfect. Give him some grace; it will help you as much as it helps him.


8. Your Joy

Your Pastor spends his days trying to teach you that joy is only found in serving Jesus. When he sees that you are a happy, joyful excited Christian, he knows he is doing his job. When a church member is down and depressed, it weighs on a Pastor. Show your Preacher you have the Joy of the Lord this year. Sing out, praise the Lord, say Amen, smile, laugh and have a great time with fellow Christians.

9.  Your Life in God's Will

When a Pastor watches someone surrender to God's will, it makes his day. Whether you are surrendering to be a Pastor, a witness, a godly Christian or giving up a sin or vice; your Preacher is filled with a sense of accomplishment and joy when you surrender to God's will. If God has been dealing with you about something in His will for your life, talk to your Preacher and surrender to God's will for your life.

10. Your Gifts

A Pastor will never ask for things like this and those 9 things I just mentioned are by far at the top of his list. However, your Preacher is very worthy of any gift you can give to him. Maybe give him a financial gift, a suit, a trip, an Ipad, a tie, a Bible or a gift card to his favorite restaurant.

I am sure each of you have something on your list for your Pastor. You may feel one of those tangible gifts would be his favorite, but I think when he scatters out all of his presents on his office floor his favorite will be the ones he sees in you.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Where Do Scary Dreams Come From?

Have you ever had "that" dream? The one where you are running from someone or some thing. You run and run and run and yet you cannot get away. You turn to look behind you and ...... You wake up in a cold sweat screaming!!!

Where does this dream, or any dream come? Dreams come from your mind. Your subconscious mind broadcasts a scene or action that you have seen, heard or experienced.

Proverbs 16:3 "Commit thy works unto the LORD, and thy thoughts shall be established."

God tells us that my works (actions, deeds, experiences, sights, sounds and surroundings) are directly connected to my thoughts. Good Works = Good Thoughts.

If I help others, I will think of others more quickly.

If I tell the lost about salvation, I will think of their eternal souls more often.

If I read the Bible, I will think about how the Bible relates to my life.

If I go to church, I am quicker to think about Godly things during the week.

The same principle applies to the negative. Sinful Works = Sinful Thoughts.

If I watch Dr. Phil and Oprah all day, I am going to have thoughts of depression and anxiety.

If I secretly sin, I am going to have thoughts of getting caught and a guilty conscience.

If I hear swearing all day, I may not swear aloud, but I will in my mind.

If I look at pornography, I will lust in my mind and heart.

If I sing Rock music, Country music, Pop music or Rap music I will think about what I have

So where do dreams come from..... Normally from things we have see, heard or done.

My works affect my thoughts.

Do you struggle with thoughts of sin?

Do you have a hard time keeping sinful words and pictures out of your mind?

1. Commit Your Works to The Lord-

Sign over your deeds and activities to The Lord. What does he want? What is He for? What is He against? Surrender your life to Him.

2. Continue In The Word-

The more Bible I can put in my mind, the more good thoughts I am going to have. Read, memorize and meditate on the scripture.

3. Concentrate On Good-

Focus your mind on the good things that you have seen, heard and experienced today. Count your blessings, quote the Bible, sing spiritual songs or call an encouraging friend.

I don't think anyone wants bad dreams... As Christians, we don't want bad thoughts either. So what do we do?

Do right and you will think right!!!

Friday, September 14, 2012



 Looking for Pearls or Just Fishing Around?

Matthew 13:45-46

Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls:
Who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it.


Here in this chapter Jesus has pulled his disciples away from the crowd to teach them.

He likens the Kingdom of Heaven to a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls.

When he found a pearl of great price, he went, sold all and bought it.


I have heard that we are the merchant man and Jesus is the pearl of Great price.

I have heard Jesus is the merchant and we are the pearls.


This afternoon, I want to look at this scripture a little different.

This session is on Developing Core Teenagers.


I.       We Are Merchant Men


This is not a walk in the park. This is work. Youth Work. They call it that for a reason.

We do everything we can and get little to no gratitude shown for it.

Teenagers don’t say thank you, don’t show appreciation, and often don’t seem to care.

If you are in it for those things, you will not last very long.

We are not supposed to be in the ministry to get love, but rather to give love.


We are the merchant men. We have a job to do.


II.      We Are to Seek Goodly Pearls


Why are you in the youth ministry? Why?

Pastor made you?        Nothing Better?          Stepping Stone?


You will never find pearls if you are eyeing the fish.

You will never find pearls if you are focused on the sharks.

You will never find pearls if all you think about is scuba diving.


My life is given to seeking pearls. That is what I do.

That is what I am supposed to do. That is what I do.


III.    Teenagers Are Our Pearls


Every teenager is a pearl. Every teenager has a rare spiritual beauty about them.

Some are blunt and straightforward. Some are meek and shy.

Some pearls display beauty easily. Others must be sought after, dug for and worked for.


GET THIS:     Every teenager in your youth department is a pearl.

(YES…even that one)  


IV.    There Are Pearls of Great Price


As soon as I said that, your mind just went to a teenager in your youth department.

One that you feel is top notch.


Do you know why this pearl is called a pearl of great price?

Because the merchant man was willing to pay a great price to get it. (REPEAT)


Something is only worth what someone will give for it.  (ILL   Baseball Cards, Cars)


****A Teenager that is a Pearl of Great Price is One We are Willing to Give All For ****


Shouldn’t that be every one of them?


You need every teenager in your youth department.

Every teenager in your youth department needs you.


I.          We are Merchant Men

II.        We Are to Seek Goodly Pearls

III.       Teenagers Are Our Pearls

IV.       There Are Some Pearls of Great Price


How To Develop Core Teenagers


1.      Love Them and Prove It


That pearl is only worth what someone is willing to give for it. What you give will be determined by how much you care.


            A.    Be Real

Teenagers are the best at sniffing out fakes. They know more than any when you are lying.

Be yourself. They don’t need Jack Hyles as their Youth Pastor, they need you.

Don’t lie to them. Don’t act like you are something your not.

They don’t care how much you know, till they know how much you care.


            B.    Be Reasonable

Don’t forget you were a teenager too. You talked, you didn’t listen, you did things wrong.

Teens are pearls not perfections. They are going to mess up. They will struggle.

You are not the judge, you are an advocate.  A helper, a leader, an understanding ear.

Don’t quickly cast away a pearl because of a small defect.


            C. Be Responsive

If you are not connected to your teenagers on a level other than the Bible, you will lose them.

They like other things. They like sports, jokes, activities, games, trips, talking, laughing, and most important, they like TIME.

Some of the best connection time I have spent is driving home from a preaching meeting.

Just talking. Just getting to know each other.



2.      Have a Firm Position, but a Flexible Disposition


The merchant man probably had many other things he could have sought for.

He sought vigilantly for the pearl, but once he found it, he carefully and lovingly handled it.


          A.      Keep Your Convictions

Youth Pastors and Youth Workers have a reputation for being weak on their standards.

Teenagers love and respect a Youth Pastor that takes a stand and doesn’t change.

Don’t change on music.          Don’t change on dress.           Don’t change on entertainment.



          B.      Keep Your Compassion

If you are doing your job as soul winner, you will always have some teenagers in your youth department that are not on the same spiritual level. There will be some that wear pants.

There will be some that listen to rock music.

Don’t write them off, love them where they are and lead them to where they should be.


          C.      Keep Your Balance

The world and worldly preachers will tell you to change. Lower your standards and change your music and you will get more teens. You may get a bigger quantity but you lose a great deal of quality.  Teens lose respect for compromisers.

Stay balanced. Stand for Right, Love those Teens, Don’t Change.


3.      Remember It’s Bigger Than You


I don’t make pearls, you don’t make pearls. God makes pearls. We just get to buy them for our wives.

I cant make teens do right, you cant, only God can.


          A.   Focus on Their Faith

Be Bible based. Don’t give them your opinion, preacherology, or the popular vote.

Give them the truth. Challenge them to have their own beliefs.

One day they will stand or fall, on their own.


            B.    Focus on Their Future


Keep the Will of God ever before them. God has a plan for EVERY teenager.

Pray with them and encourage them to seek for, pray for, and work for God’s will.


Right now there are pearls of great price in your town. All they need is a merchant man that will give his all.


Monday, August 20, 2012

Why We Fear Roller Coasters

Joshua 1:7
Only be thou strong and very courageous, that thou mayest observe to do according to all the law, which Moses my servant commanded thee: turn not from it to the right hand or to the left, that thou mayest prosper whithersoever thou goest.

There we were staring at a looping coaster that reached 430 ft into the skies. It zoomed past us going 120 mph. It was the Top Thrill Dragster. The 3rd ranked coaster in the world, not the US, the world.

Some of the teenagers boarded the speed trap with no second thought. Others, however, shivered as they sat down. Some made it to the front only to turn back. While many, knowing their fears, didn't even attempt to try.

Why do we fear roller coasters?

Is it because we know man is not supposed to fly 430 feet above the earth at 120 mph?

Is it because we don't want to get sick or throw up like the stories we have heard year after year?

Is it because we fear the coaster will malfunction and cause us harm or even death?

I believe the reason we fear roller coasters is because we do not control them nor their effects upon us, and we fear what we cannot control.

Christians, the reason we fear roller coasters is the same reason we fear the will of God. - we can't control the will of God.

It scares a young man to have to trust God with his life and future.

Young ladies are afraid to surrender their lives to Christ.


Because if I surrender my life, my will, and my future to God's will, I lose control of them. I am then forced to live by faith.

It amazes me how so many will eventually "get over" their fear of coasters. I remember being the scared to death shivering kid, who only rode because of my friends. Yet now, I love the highest, fastest and craziest thrills.

What happened?

Did they start guaranteeing that you won't get sick? NO

Did they start displaying inspection and service records indicating the coaster is safe and ok to ride? NO

I just decided to trust the maker of the coaster, the park, and the operator.. All of whom I do not know.

If we can live by faith at a theme park, if we can trust people we don't know with our lives....

Why can't we trust God enough to surrender to His will and live by faith in Him?

He's only saved us from Hell-
Given us the Holy Spirit-
Laid out a perfect plan for us in His will-

Don't fear- be strong and very courageous.
Trust God. Surrender to His will. Live by Faith.

God's will is a ride you don't want to miss.


Wednesday, August 8, 2012


I Sam 16:1
And the Lord said unto Samuel, How long wilt thou mourn for Saul, seeing I have rejected him from reigning over Israel? fill thine horn with oil, and go, I will send thee to Jesse the Bethlehemite: for I have provided me a king among his sons.

Expendable-   Capable of being expended (used up), not essential, easily replaced.

This may be a sobering thought to you, but you are expendable. It matters not what your name is, what your title may be, where you live nor what you think...   You are Expendable. Capable of being used up, not essential to the plan, and easily replaced.

Divorces prove spouses are expendable.

Corporations prove employees are expendable.

Death proves life is expendable.

There is no one on the Earth whose absence or attitude would halt its rotation.

Truth is whether you live or die, do right or live in sin, work or sleep in, stay married or divorce...

Everyone is Expendable.

Don't believe me...

Try being late for a Doctor's appointment, or even skipping one. Does the Doctor's office close just because you are not there?  NO. They move on to the next patient and continue the day.

Watch the traffic around a funeral procession in your town. Police officers now have to even stop the oncoming traffic for a hurse! Why? Because whoever is in that box, is expendable.

Their family moves on, their job moves on, their ministry moves on, LIFE moves on.

I am not saying people are not sad, effected, sorrowful or hurt.

But eventually, "the time to weep" is over and LIFE goes on. Whoever quit, died, stopped serving God, left, changed, etc... is EXPENDABLE.

How about in the Bible...

Moses dies... Joshua jumps into leadership.

Elijah goes away... Elisha does double.

In our text verse, - Saul is rejected.. David is elected.
God tells Samuel to move on!

David cannot build the temple... Solomon steps up.

Jesus could not do miracles in some cities because of unbelief, so he moved on to the next one.

Everyone is Expendable.

If you are a husband... you are expendable.
If you are an employee... you are expendable.
If you are a parent / guardian... you are expendable.
If you are a preacher... you are expendable.
If you are the boss.. you are expendable.
If you play sports... you are expendable.
If you work on a bus route... you are expendable.
If you teach Sunday School... you are expendable.

Everyone is Expendable.  Easily replaceable.

What is the Point?

1. Humility-  

Knowing we are expendable, should keep us humble. God can use ANYONE to do ANYTHING we do! God doesn't "need" any of us. At more than one point, He was willing to kill to everyone and start over. Family, ministry, work, and even life would go on if we were out of the picture.

2. Honor-

Though, God can use anyone, He chooses to use us.
Dad- He chose to make you a dad.      Mom- He chose to make you a mother.
Employee- He chose to give you the job.  Employer- He chose to bless your business.
Preacher- He called us, equips us and directs us.    
Bus Worker-  He chose to use you on that bus.
Sunday School Teacher-  God chose to give you those students to love, teach and train.

God may not "need" us, but He wants us. He loves us. He receives pleasure from our surrender and service.

If God has blessed your life, be honored. HE CHOSE YOU.

3. Hastening-

  • If you are reading this and do not know Christ as Saviour, just know that if you continue without Christ, Hell will be your home. And the world, the people, and circumstances surrounding you will move on as planned. You are Expendable.

"God is "not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance" II Pet 3:9

However, if you choose to reject God's loving plan of salvation, God doesn't stop offering it. God will continue to offer it and there will be others who will trust Him.

  • If you are reading this and are a Christian, just not where you should be or used to be with God, know that God's will is still available for your life.

However, if you choose to reject truth, live in sin and serve self, God's plan marches on. God wants you involved, He wants you as a witness, He wants you surrendered, serving and soul winning, but if you are not, He CAN and WILL find someone else.

  • If you are a mother, father, employee, employer, Pastor, Youth Pastor, Teacher, athlete, bus worker, Sunday School teacher, husband or wife, know that there are people who need you and count on you everyday.

However, if you choose to neglect your role, life goes on. Someone will fill the place you leave in the hearts of your followers. Good or bad you cannot decide, but there will be someone, someday who takes that spot. Because you see...

Everyone is Expendable.

Let's live the life we have for the Lord and do His will.


Wednesday, July 11, 2012

How To Have a Spiritual Summer (Part 3)

We have been looking at John 17 as a Spiritual Survival Guide for the Summer. Jesus is praying for the Disciples as He prepares to leave for Heaven and He gives good advice for them as well as for us to use in our lives this summer to stay spiritual and close to Christ.

III.   Search The Scriptures

John 17:17
Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.

Jesus reminds the Disciples here that they have the Word of God with them. Jesus was going to be crucified and would be leaving, but they would still have the Word of God. He also prays that God would reveal some things to them about His Word.

1. Spiritual Growth Through The Word

2. Simple Faith In The Word

"Sanctify them through thy truth: ..."  - Jesus lets them know that it is through the Word of God that we are sanctified. Spiritual growth is achieved through the Bible.

"thy word is truth" - The key to growing spiritually through the Word of God is to simply believe it is the ultimate, absolute truth.

Jesus did not leave the Disciples without a connection to Him or His Father. He knew they had the Word of God.

During the summer, we step away from our schedules, and we have a lot more free, relaxed time. The days are less rigorous and demanding and more relaxing and mellow.
If we are not careful we will lay down our Bibles from Sunday to Sunday and only pick them up to go to church.
In doing so, we do ourselves a great disservice.
Remember, spiritual growth comes through the word as well as simple faith.


Tell me how much you have been reading your Bible this summer and I will tell you whether or not you are headed for a spiritual summer or for a backslidden one.

Without spending time in the Word of God, we become cold to the things of God. Church is not important nor interesting, friends of God become enemies and sin is easier and more acceptable.
All of this because of not reading the Bible? YES! It is that Important!

1.  Decide to Read the Bible Everyday

If you are new to reading it, start in John, Psalms, Proverbs, or Romans. Start with 1 Chapter a day, then 2, then 3. Read and let God speak to you through the Words. The Bible is GOD's WORDS.

2.   Decide to DO What You Read

James 1:22
But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.

Take God at His Word. Try Him. Put Him to the test. Take the Bible and put it to practice in your life. When you find a truth, a promise, a warning, or an example, take it, claim it, believe it, obey it and watch God work it in your life.

3.  Keep Your Bible Open This Summer

Hebrews 4:12
For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Don't close your Bible like a book you sit on a shelf. Leave it open on your dresser. Let it stare at you every morning. Let those black and white pages stare back at you like God's eyeballs. He can see you you know!?

Maybe with the Bible open, you wont forget to read it. Maybe with the Bible open you wont listen to that song, watch that movie, say those words or disrespect your parents. Maybe knowing God is looking right at you and you seeing those pages stare back at you will "Sanctify" you.

How do we have a Spiritual Summer?

1.  Summer Fun
2.  Separation
3.  Search the Scriptures


Friday, June 29, 2012

How To Have A Spiritual Summer (Part 2)

John 17:12
While I was with them in the world, I kept them in thy name:....

Ok... so we are in full summer swing... 100 degree days, camps, vacations, etc.. Last time we looked at John 17 to see that having a spiritual summer starts with Summer Fun.God wants us to enjoy our lives. He wants you to have a great time and to enjoy yourself. Contrary to popular belief,  you can have fun and remain spiritual at the same time.

As we keep reading in John 17 we see more advice from Jesus for the summer...

John 17:14-16
I have given them thy word; and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.
I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil.
They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.

Jesus is preparing the disciples for success during the time when He would leave for Heaven. Here Jessus gives us another great tip for having a Spiritual Summer...

2.  Separation

OH NO! I just said the dreaded S-word! But especially during the summer, staying separated from the world is a key component to having a Spiritual summer. There are 3 areas of life that I must guard and maintain spiritual separation in during the summer to ensure success:


A. People

Prov 13:20
He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.

In the summer we often spend much more time with friends and family who we may not see during the school year.We must be careful to be an influence and not just be influenced. The people we hang around during the summer, will often determine the spiritual decisions we make during this time.

Gal 5:7
Ye did run well; who did hinder you that ye should not obey the truth?

Stay close to those who are close to God. Keep your distance from those who are distant from God. You can reach them for Christ, but if you are not careful, even good friends and close family can pull you away from Christ during the summer.


B. Places

Prov 4:14-15
Enter not into the path of the wicked, and go not in the way of evil men.
Avoid it, pass not by it, turn from it, and pass away.

It is during the summer that we have free time to visit places that we dont usually get to visit during the year. We also have more opportunities and temptations to go places and do things we shouldnt. Just because it is summer does not mean it is acceptable for Christians to go places they are not supposed to go. The Holy Spirit of God goes everywhere you do, so whereever you go and whatever you see there, God goes and sees with you. 


C. Projects

I Cor 10:31
Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.

I am sure there will be many activities and things to do during your summer. The Devil will make sure to attempt to include sin and wrong to your calendar every day. In order to have a spiritual summer, you must separate from projects and activities that are sinful and wrong. Do not deviate from Christ, deviate from the culture.

No one wants to come to the end of summer and be backslidden, but many have and will. If you want to have Spiritual Summer remember:

1. Summer Fun
2. Separation be continued....


Friday, May 18, 2012

Avoiding The "Summer Slump"- How To Have A Spiritual Summer

John 17:12
While I was with them in the world, I kept them in thy name:....

Every year as the school year draws to a close, I am reminded of this passage. Students leave the safety and security of a daily routine, a Christian environment and Godly influences only to be bombarded with a barrage from the world and the Devil. From being helped and encouraged to read the Bible and pray, walk with God and obey His Word, to a freedom that the majority cannot withstand.

Statistics among Youth Departments show that 60-70 % of the young people in churches backslide, make bad decisions, and banish their Bible during the summer. This is an alarming stat. It is usually not until Camp or Youth Conference (most of which are toward the end of the summer) that teenagers make things right with God and allow him to work in their lives.

Is this how things have to be? Jesus didn't think so. He taught the Disciples how to live while He was away. He showed through His prayer in John 17:12-26, how to have a Spiritual Summer. Over the next few weeks, I am going to show you from Jesus' prayer, how you can avoid that summer slump. You can have a spiritual summer....
....a summer where you grow closer to Christ instead of colder on Christ
....a summer where you go to Camp fired up and not to get fired up and God can really work on you
....a summer where afterward, you start school and you bring Revival to your school!

That is a Spiritual Summer... Here is how Jesus said we could do it...

1.    Summer Fun    

John 17:13b    .... that they might have my joy fulfilled in themselves.

I know, I know... not what you were expecting right? Jesus tells the Disciples that He wants them to have joy.

If you want to have a Spiritual Summer have some fun. Sleep in, go camping, go fishing, play outside, kill some Xbox, hang out with friends, attend all of the Teen Activities, help someone, get a summer job, and BY ALL MEANS... go to Teen Camp  (

Enjoy your summer. If you find yourself saying those dreaded words.... I'm Bored...  WATCH OUT! The Devil is on your trail. Do some fun things this summer. Don't get bored. Stay connected with your Youth Pastor and Church, stay busy, stay active and enjoy the Summer. Having fun is not a sin. This is the last summer you will ever have this year!  LOL... Enjoy your Summer!


Friday, May 11, 2012


2 Tim 4:7

It is graduation season again. Tonight we graduate 31 servants from Commonwealth Baptist College. Next week will have our Christian Academy graduation. These young men and ladies have finished.

Just like Paul, they have made it through ups and downs and all arounds. But no matter what life threw at them one thing was sure... They were not going to quit.

1. To Finish, You Must Start.

Do something for God. Start again anew and afresh. Start for the first time. If you want to Finish, you have to start. (Phil 1:6)

2. To Finish, You Must Focus

Keep God's will in your sights and push toward it with everything in you. (Phil 3:13)

3. To Finish, You Must Not Quit

In a world full of quitters, complainers, and compromisers; I believe God is looking for some young men and women who will not just start for God but will finish.

Jesus was a finisher. Paul was a finisher. We are admonished to be finishers.

Decide to Finish.


Friday, May 4, 2012

Keeping It Real

Romans 7:14-25

Why is it that when we talk about "being real" we often are talking about doing wrong. Why does real have to be wrong? I understand, as did Paul that we are sinners, and to be REAL, we have some wrong. But I believe Paul was keeping it real here in Romans 7.

What is Keeping It Real?

1. Keeping it Real is Admitting You're Not Perfect

Romans 3:10
As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:
There are a lot of Pharisee and stuck up teens, who need to realize and remember that they are sinners too!

It doesn't matter if you were born in a Christian home, raised in Church, or saved from a life of sin; you are STILL a sinner. You STILL deserve Hell.

Even though I am a Preacher, I deserve Hell. I am a sinner. My works are not worthy. I am wicked and sinful. The only good in me, is the Holy Spirit God placed inside me.

Keeping it Real is Admitting that we are not perfect. This just exalts the fact that we need and must have Jesus Christ.

2. Keeping it Real is Aiming High

Phil 3:14
I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

There are many teenagers who need to decide to live their lives for Christ and not for self.

In Romans 7 Paul was saying I am not perfect, but I am trying do right! Paul was pressing toward being like Christ.

Keeping it real is admitting we are not perfect, but trying to live Christ.

Failing at our walk with God may occur, but striving for a walk with God is Real.

Failing to be a witness may happen, but working to be a witness is Real.

Keeping it Real is Aiming High and pressing toward being like Jesus Christ.

3. Keeping it Real is A Decision to Never Quit

Proverbs 24:16
For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again: but the wicked shall fall into mischief.

Paul wanted to do right, but he messed up. 
Paul didn't want to mess up,but he did.

He lived in a constant spiritual battle, just like we do.

We do right one day.... mess up one day... do right one day... mess up one day...

How does a person keep from feeling like a fake when one day they are trying to be spiritual and the next day the Devil has overtaken them with sin...

Keeping it Real is not Quitting.

Keeping it Real is not being perfect, its not being sinful, its not having everything together, or letting everything fall apart...

Keeping it Real is just not quitting!

Do Right and strive to Do Right, when you mess up, fess up, and make a decision that you are never going to quit on God!



Friday, April 13, 2012

Fumes Worth Running On

Ephesians 5:18
"be filled with the Spirit;"

Ever been driving in a car and almost run out of gas? Ever hear the expression "running on fumes"? When a car is low on fuel, often times someone will say it is only operating on fumes of what is really needed.

This week I read about a man who has invented an Air Vapor Flow System. He gets 400 miles per gallon on the vapor of the fumes of only 4 ounces of fuel. Now that is what you call "Running On Fumes"!

There is going to be times in all of our lives when we feel like we are empty, finished, can't continue and are close to throwing in the towel....

It is in these times that we must keep on going. We may feel like we are merely running on the fumes, but what we don't realize is that the Holy Spirit is a fume that doesn't fade!

Life will bring times of trials, tears, and torrential battles....

But if I will keep "Running on the Fumes"! I can live a victorious Christian life!

Depend on the Holy Spirit! Even if you are running on fumes, He is a fume worth running on!


Friday, April 6, 2012

Fuel Your Faith: Arise!

Luke 24:6 He is not here, but is risen:

This weekend we celebrate Easter and the glorious fact that we as Christians serve a risen Saviour. Holy week was a roller coaster of emotion for our Lord.

  • He shares a meal with the Disciples, his prized friends and followers. He loves them and gives them encouragement for the battle ahead.

  • He announces and acknowledges  one of his dear friends will soon betray his trust and deliver him to his death.

  • Jesus pulls the "inner circle" and his closest Disciples apart and asks them to help Him pray for God's Will and strength.

  • He returns to find the Disciples asleep and apathetic toward the great day that was ahead.

  • Jesus looks to see Judas, a friend, leading the enemy to take Him. Jesus offers His hand of friendship once more, yet Judas refuses.

  • Jesus is taken. Arrested. Falsely Accused. Beaten. Stripped. Punched. Mocked. Spit Upon. Crowned with Thorns.

  • The Disciples flee...

  • He is placed upon a Cross. Nails are put in His hands and feet. The Cross is lifted up and the Son of God hangs crucified between God and man.

  • God the Father turns his back... Jesus is all alone. He dies and is placed in the tomb.

Yet, three days later, something happens... He is Risen!

I'm not sure where you are in your life today. I don't know what is going right and what seems to be going wrong.

  • Maybe your family or friends have let you down...

  • You may have fallen asleep on spritual things in your life...

  • Are there some missed opportunities?

  • Does it seem like you are all alone?


As a Christian, you possess the same resurrection power.... The Holy Spirit!


Friday, March 30, 2012

Bushes Are Still Burning

Exodus 3:2
And the angel of the LORD appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush: and he looked, and, behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed.

Here God calls Moses from a dark, dreary desert to proudly proclaim to Pharoah to let God's people go.
This sheepish shepherd goes from caring for the flock to commanding a fleeing nation.
Yet, God himself does not meet Moses on the sandy shore of the sheep trail. Rather, God speaks to Moses from a bush, a flowering tree. A flowering, flaming tree. Seeing brush burned was not out of the ordinary for Moses. However, to see a bush burn and to keep burning without being consumed was something that caught his attention.
God was calling Moses from this burning bush, and God used Moses to lead Israel out of Egypt.

That bush that once burned to display God's desire to use Moses, still burns today!

Read the Bible.... The Bush is Still Burning!

Listen to the Holy Spirit..... The Bush is Still Burning!

Pay attention to Preaching... The Bush is Still Burning!

No matter who you are, where you have been, what you have seen, done or been a part of....

There is a bush burning in your life... turn around and realize that God wants to do something special in your life!

The Bushes Are Still Burning


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Monday, March 12, 2012

The First Fill Up

Blogging has begun for the KYF and YP Bro. Davis. In the coming weeks you can read and follow this blog designed to encourage the new generation on the on paths. We must stay filled up.   #FuelYourFaith