Friday, April 5, 2013

Where Should I Go To College?

Where Should I Go To College?

In the culture of Independent Fundamental Baptist Churches, young people are exposed to Bible Colleges on the regular. Whether at Youth Conferences, College Days, the YP's alumni or the Pastor's alumni; Bible College is not an anomaly for most of us. Most young people learn early to align with a College with like emphasis, standards and ministries.

However, it was for me.

You see, I didn't grow up in a church that actively sent young people to Bible College. If I am not mistaken, I was the first to attend Bible College from our Church EVER!!!! As a teenager there was not a common knowledge, expectancy or push for young people to attend Bible College.

As I write, Commonwealth Baptist College is finishing up College Days 2013 and I have just preached to a chapel full of prospective students. The majority of them will end up going to a Bible College. Whether for a year or for a degree, the choice for them is not what kind of college, it is Which College? ....And it made me think....

Why did I go to Commonwealth Baptist College?

  • It wasn't because of an allegiance or because my favorite Preacher was there.....
No, to be honest, I didn't even know Pastor Fugate or any of the staff at CBC...

  • It wasn't because of the location or looks of the College...

There was no huge buildings, no fancy chandeliers and no tropical climate...

  • It wasn't because of the female population...

I was engaged to be marry when I decided to leave and go to Bible College.

  • It wasn't because of a super fun Youth Conference or College Days experience.

I had never been to Clays Mill Road Baptist Church.

  • It wasn't because I had no other options....

I had a 4 year scholarship to the University of Kentucky to study engineering.

  • It wasn't because I had heard about it my whole life, it wasn't because of who my parents were or where I went to high school....

So... Why did I choose to go to Bible College? Why did I choose Commonwealth Baptist College?

1.   Because I Listened to My Preacher

Well...not really MY Preacher... It was a dinner with Pastor Buster Mullins. He preached a Revival at our church and I went to dinner with him and Bro. Kelly. At that dinner, Bro. Buster casually, kindly asked me "Have you prayed about Bible College?"

He did not tell me that I needed to go. He did not tell me where I needed to go. He did not guilt me into going somewhere...

He kindly asked me "Have you prayed about Bible College?"

Sadly, even as a Preacher-Boy... the answer was NO.

2.   Because I Prayed About It

I went home that night and I had a dart in my heart. I had not even thought about let alone prayed about Bible College. I got on my knees by my bed and I poured my heart out to God. For the next 30 days I fasted, prayed, walked with God and did everything spiritually possible to be as close to God as I could when I made a decision.

3.   Because it Was God's Will

From the first night I prayed about it, I knew... God's Will was for me to go to Bible College.
God had called me to be a Preacher. I had allowed the Devil to sell me a bill of goods on how God would be fine with me being a Preacher for a hobby and an engineer for life. I had allowed making money, being successful, pleasing parents and having things to control my thinking. Preachers should go to Bible College... and God had called me to Preach.

4.   Because I was Surrendered

On August 9, 2000 I surrendered to Preach. In May of 2002, I surrendered to go to Bible College.


Because I Listened, Because I Prayed, Because it was God's Will and so... I surrendered....

Should you go to Bible College?  HONESTLY... I don't know.

Want to know for sure?    HONESTLY... I can tell you...

Listen to Your Pastor-   Counsel with your Pastor or Youth Pastor about College. Why is it we are so afraid to talk about a decision we supposedly made in God's Will?

Pray-  Seriously Pray. Fast and Pray. Walk with God for 30 straight days before you make a decision.

Know God's Will-  He will lead and guide you the way you need to go. Parents may have a will, you may have a will, friends may have a will... but God's Will is the best. Invest in the Best! Trust Him.

Surrender-  When God speaks, say YES!   Don't question!  Don't doubt!  Don't run!  Just say Yes.

Do you know what those who have wrecked their lives with selfish, sinful choices say is the reason they chose wrong? What do they say is the reason? What do they say???

They Say.....

I Didn't Listen    I Didn't Pray        I Didn't Know God's Will            I Didn't Surrender

Deciding where to go to school is more of spiritual decision than many realize.
Don't get sidetracked by the logistics of a college. Cost, climate, co-eds and career should not make those decisions for you.
Listen. Pray. Know God's Will and Surrender.

So... Where should you go to College?

I don't know!           But have you prayed about Bible College?


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