Monday, August 20, 2012

Why We Fear Roller Coasters

Joshua 1:7
Only be thou strong and very courageous, that thou mayest observe to do according to all the law, which Moses my servant commanded thee: turn not from it to the right hand or to the left, that thou mayest prosper whithersoever thou goest.

There we were staring at a looping coaster that reached 430 ft into the skies. It zoomed past us going 120 mph. It was the Top Thrill Dragster. The 3rd ranked coaster in the world, not the US, the world.

Some of the teenagers boarded the speed trap with no second thought. Others, however, shivered as they sat down. Some made it to the front only to turn back. While many, knowing their fears, didn't even attempt to try.

Why do we fear roller coasters?

Is it because we know man is not supposed to fly 430 feet above the earth at 120 mph?

Is it because we don't want to get sick or throw up like the stories we have heard year after year?

Is it because we fear the coaster will malfunction and cause us harm or even death?

I believe the reason we fear roller coasters is because we do not control them nor their effects upon us, and we fear what we cannot control.

Christians, the reason we fear roller coasters is the same reason we fear the will of God. - we can't control the will of God.

It scares a young man to have to trust God with his life and future.

Young ladies are afraid to surrender their lives to Christ.


Because if I surrender my life, my will, and my future to God's will, I lose control of them. I am then forced to live by faith.

It amazes me how so many will eventually "get over" their fear of coasters. I remember being the scared to death shivering kid, who only rode because of my friends. Yet now, I love the highest, fastest and craziest thrills.

What happened?

Did they start guaranteeing that you won't get sick? NO

Did they start displaying inspection and service records indicating the coaster is safe and ok to ride? NO

I just decided to trust the maker of the coaster, the park, and the operator.. All of whom I do not know.

If we can live by faith at a theme park, if we can trust people we don't know with our lives....

Why can't we trust God enough to surrender to His will and live by faith in Him?

He's only saved us from Hell-
Given us the Holy Spirit-
Laid out a perfect plan for us in His will-

Don't fear- be strong and very courageous.
Trust God. Surrender to His will. Live by Faith.

God's will is a ride you don't want to miss.


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