Looking for Pearls or Just Fishing Around?
Matthew 13:45-46
Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls:
Who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it.
Here in this chapter Jesus has pulled his disciples away from
the crowd to teach them.
He likens the Kingdom of Heaven to a merchant man, seeking
goodly pearls.
When he found a pearl of great price, he went, sold all and
bought it.
I have heard that we are the merchant man and Jesus is the
pearl of Great price.
I have heard Jesus is the merchant and we are the pearls.
This afternoon, I want to look at this scripture a little
This session is on Developing Core Teenagers.
I. We
Are Merchant Men
This is not a walk in the park. This is work. Youth Work.
They call it that for a reason.
We do everything we can and get little to no gratitude shown
for it.
Teenagers don’t say thank you, don’t show appreciation, and
often don’t seem to care.
If you are in it for those things, you will not last very long.
We are not supposed to be in the ministry to get love, but
rather to give love.
We are the merchant men. We have a job to do.
II. We Are
to Seek Goodly Pearls
Why are you in the youth ministry? Why?
Pastor made you? Nothing
Better? Stepping Stone?
You will never find pearls if you are eyeing the fish.
You will never find pearls if you are focused on the sharks.
You will never find pearls if all you think about is scuba
My life is given to seeking pearls. That is what I do.
That is what I am supposed to do. That is what I do.
III. Teenagers
Are Our Pearls
Every teenager is a pearl. Every teenager has a rare
spiritual beauty about them.
Some are blunt and straightforward. Some are meek and shy.
Some pearls display beauty easily. Others must be sought
after, dug for and worked for.
teenager in your youth department is a pearl.
(YES…even that one)
IV. There
Are Pearls of Great Price
As soon as I said that, your mind just went to a teenager in
your youth department.
One that you feel is top notch.
Do you know why this pearl is called a pearl of great price?
Because the merchant man was willing to pay a great price to
get it. (REPEAT)
Something is only worth what someone will give for it. (ILL
Baseball Cards, Cars)
****A Teenager that is a Pearl of Great Price is One We are
Willing to Give All For ****
Shouldn’t that be every one of them?
You need every teenager in your youth department.
Every teenager in your youth department needs you.
I. We are
Merchant Men
II. We Are to
Seek Goodly Pearls
III. Teenagers
Are Our Pearls
IV. There Are
Some Pearls of Great Price
How To Develop Core Teenagers
1. Love
Them and Prove It
That pearl is only worth what someone is willing to give for
it. What you give will be determined by how much you care.
A. Be Real
Be yourself. They don’t need Jack Hyles as their Youth Pastor, they need you.
Don’t lie to them. Don’t act like you are something your not.
They don’t care how much you know, till they know how much you care.
B. Be Reasonable
Teens are pearls not perfections. They are going to mess up. They will struggle.
You are not the judge, you are an advocate. A helper, a leader, an understanding ear.
Don’t quickly cast away a pearl because of a small defect.
C. Be Responsive
They like other things. They like sports, jokes, activities, games, trips, talking, laughing, and most important, they like TIME.
Some of the best connection time I have spent is driving home from a preaching meeting.
Just talking. Just getting to know each other.
2. Have a
Firm Position, but a Flexible Disposition
The merchant man probably had many other things he could
have sought for.
He sought vigilantly for the pearl, but once he found it, he
carefully and lovingly handled it.
A. Keep Your Convictions
Teenagers love and respect a Youth Pastor that takes a stand and doesn’t change.
change on music. Don’t change on
dress. Don’t change on
B. Keep Your Compassion
There will be some that listen to rock music.
Don’t write them off, love them where they are and lead them to where they should be.
C. Keep Your Balance
Stay balanced. Stand for Right, Love those Teens, Don’t Change.
3. Remember
It’s Bigger Than You
I don’t make pearls, you don’t make pearls. God makes
pearls. We just get to buy them for our wives.
I cant make teens do right, you cant, only God can.
A. Focus on Their Faith
Bible based. Don’t give them your opinion, preacherology, or the popular vote.
Give them the truth. Challenge them to have their own beliefs.
day they will stand or fall, on their own.
B. Focus on Their Future
Keep the Will of God ever before them. God has a plan for EVERY teenager.
Pray with them and encourage them to seek for, pray for, and work for God’s will.