Friday, December 14, 2012

The Top 10 Gifts For Your Pastor This Christmas

Matthew 2:11
And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense, and myrrh.

Here we have the story of the wise men coming to see the newborn King. They brought gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. Gifts were given on this first Christmas. This has a great deal to do with why we give gifts today. As a child, did you ever sit down and rate your Christmas gifts? You know, the ones from mom and dad were always in the top 5, then grandma's, then aunts and uncles and last was the thing you got stuck from the school's name exchange. Do you think Jesus did that?Which do you think was Jesus' favorite gift? Was it the gold? The frankincense or the myrrh? I believe Jesus' favorite gift on that first Christmas was not a tangible gift at all. I think the worship of those traveling magi was the greatest gift the Saviour received that year.

When it comes to your Pastor, you always want the best for him. You try to think of what to buy him that he will use, like and keep for a long time. This years top gifts for Pastor's include electronics, food, clothes and vacations. These things are great and I am sure your Preacher will love any gift you give him. However, I think there are 10 gifts that are at the top of his list this year...

1. Your Love

With a Pastor that loves the way your Preacher loves, he will often carry a heavy burden and a broken heart. He may never ask, but he needs your love. He wants to know you love him as much as you want to know that he loves you. He is not a mind reader... If you want him to know that you love him, you will have to tell him. Call him, text him, tweet him, Facebook him, email him, write him: find one of these ways that works for you and tell him you love him.

2. Your Prayers

Think of how many times he calls your name out to God. When you or someone you love are sick or hurting, who do you call on to pray? When you have a need and you have to see God move, who do you petition to pray? Just as much as you need his prayers, he needs yours. He is dependent upon your prayers. Think of this: What if your Pastor had the same prayer life as you? Would you feel secure? I have heard it said that a man of God is only as strong as the prayers of the people of God.
Pray for your Preacher.

3. Your Faithfulness

You may purchase a nice expensive gift for your Preacher this Christmas and that is wonderful. I remember a couple in the church I pastored who bought me at least 1 suit every year. Just when I needed something, they were always there. Do you want to know my favorite gift they gave me? I knew they were going to be in their place on Sunday and Wednesday. They were faithful. He was on the bus route, she was in Sunday School and they were in church faithfully. Your faithful attendance to church services, activities and programs is a gift every Pastor desires.


4. Your Smile

When your Pastor is preaching this Sunday, why not give him a huge smile as he is preaching the Word. So many times, he must see sleepy eyes, yawning mouths and dissatisfied sighs. Why not give him a smile. Show him how much that sermon that he has spent hours preparing and praying over means to you. Let him know you are happy that he is your Preacher.


5. Your Kind Words

Sometimes the only words a Pastor hears on Sunday are negative. Criticism, gossip, complaining and doomsday talk are often the "after-sermon" sermon. Let your Pastor know when he has done something right. Trust me, there are enough people who will inform him of his mistakes. Speak kindly to him, about him, to others and about others. I don't know of any Pastor who wouldn't want to see his church loving each other more as a gift to him this Christmas.


6. Your Growth In Christ

Maybe you cant afford a new suit or an Ipad for your Pastor. You can get him this gift that is sure to top his list. Any Pastor is overjoyed when he sees a church member begin to walk with God, go soul winning, work a bus route, teach a class, help someone in need or overcome an addiction. Your growth in Christ is a testament to your Pastor. When you succeed, he succeeds.

7. Your Grace and Understanding

As great as your Pastor is, he is going to make some mistakes. How about giving him some grace this Christmas. Maybe he missed a meeting, a visit, a call or a conversation. He would never miss an opportunity to help you. He loves you and wants to be a  blessing. However, he is human. He is not perfect. Give him some grace; it will help you as much as it helps him.


8. Your Joy

Your Pastor spends his days trying to teach you that joy is only found in serving Jesus. When he sees that you are a happy, joyful excited Christian, he knows he is doing his job. When a church member is down and depressed, it weighs on a Pastor. Show your Preacher you have the Joy of the Lord this year. Sing out, praise the Lord, say Amen, smile, laugh and have a great time with fellow Christians.

9.  Your Life in God's Will

When a Pastor watches someone surrender to God's will, it makes his day. Whether you are surrendering to be a Pastor, a witness, a godly Christian or giving up a sin or vice; your Preacher is filled with a sense of accomplishment and joy when you surrender to God's will. If God has been dealing with you about something in His will for your life, talk to your Preacher and surrender to God's will for your life.

10. Your Gifts

A Pastor will never ask for things like this and those 9 things I just mentioned are by far at the top of his list. However, your Preacher is very worthy of any gift you can give to him. Maybe give him a financial gift, a suit, a trip, an Ipad, a tie, a Bible or a gift card to his favorite restaurant.

I am sure each of you have something on your list for your Pastor. You may feel one of those tangible gifts would be his favorite, but I think when he scatters out all of his presents on his office floor his favorite will be the ones he sees in you.