Friday, June 29, 2012

How To Have A Spiritual Summer (Part 2)

John 17:12
While I was with them in the world, I kept them in thy name:....

Ok... so we are in full summer swing... 100 degree days, camps, vacations, etc.. Last time we looked at John 17 to see that having a spiritual summer starts with Summer Fun.God wants us to enjoy our lives. He wants you to have a great time and to enjoy yourself. Contrary to popular belief,  you can have fun and remain spiritual at the same time.

As we keep reading in John 17 we see more advice from Jesus for the summer...

John 17:14-16
I have given them thy word; and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.
I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil.
They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.

Jesus is preparing the disciples for success during the time when He would leave for Heaven. Here Jessus gives us another great tip for having a Spiritual Summer...

2.  Separation

OH NO! I just said the dreaded S-word! But especially during the summer, staying separated from the world is a key component to having a Spiritual summer. There are 3 areas of life that I must guard and maintain spiritual separation in during the summer to ensure success:


A. People

Prov 13:20
He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.

In the summer we often spend much more time with friends and family who we may not see during the school year.We must be careful to be an influence and not just be influenced. The people we hang around during the summer, will often determine the spiritual decisions we make during this time.

Gal 5:7
Ye did run well; who did hinder you that ye should not obey the truth?

Stay close to those who are close to God. Keep your distance from those who are distant from God. You can reach them for Christ, but if you are not careful, even good friends and close family can pull you away from Christ during the summer.


B. Places

Prov 4:14-15
Enter not into the path of the wicked, and go not in the way of evil men.
Avoid it, pass not by it, turn from it, and pass away.

It is during the summer that we have free time to visit places that we dont usually get to visit during the year. We also have more opportunities and temptations to go places and do things we shouldnt. Just because it is summer does not mean it is acceptable for Christians to go places they are not supposed to go. The Holy Spirit of God goes everywhere you do, so whereever you go and whatever you see there, God goes and sees with you. 


C. Projects

I Cor 10:31
Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.

I am sure there will be many activities and things to do during your summer. The Devil will make sure to attempt to include sin and wrong to your calendar every day. In order to have a spiritual summer, you must separate from projects and activities that are sinful and wrong. Do not deviate from Christ, deviate from the culture.

No one wants to come to the end of summer and be backslidden, but many have and will. If you want to have Spiritual Summer remember:

1. Summer Fun
2. Separation be continued....
